We all know the frustration of staining our favourite clothes with something deemed impossible to remove - well here are a few of Mrs B's tips for getting rid of them ...
We recommend that you test out the products suggested on a small area of the fabric that can't be seen first - just to be safe.

Removing Red Wine stains
For those of us that enjoy a glass of red wine, it is inevitable that at some time we will spill some (sadly!) Before you throw your arms in the air, try following a few simple tips that may help to save the day.
Firstly blot out as much of the stain with absorbent paper as you can, then try one of these simple things -
Pour on a little white vinegar directly to the stain, rub in a little liquid washing detergent and then wash as normal.
Place an old newspaper under the stain and put salt directly on the stain, let it soak for a while then wash as normal.
Soak the stain with carbonated water before washing.
Boil a kettle of water - while you're doing this take a bowl and stretch the stained material over it, holding it in place with an elastic band to keep the material taut. Once the waters boiled, pour it over the stain from at least a foot higher (make sure the bowl's in the sink first!)
Try pouring some gin or vodka directly onto the stain (yes, waste a little more alcohol!) and this should help to lift it from the fabric.

Removing Ink Stains
Has your pen leaked in your pocket and potentially ruined your favourite shirt? If you're worried that it'll never come clean again, dab away as much of the ink as possible with an absorbent cloth and then you can try one of the following tips -
Dab the front and back of the stain with a white cloth and some washing-up liquid and glycerine.
Apply a mixture of baking soda with water to the ink stain and gently blot it out.
Pour a little white vinegar onto the stain, pour on some salt, then take some toothpaste and gently rub into the stain with a soft brush (an old toothbrush will do the trick). Work the paste into the stain for a while until the ink starts to lift. Pour some warm water into a bowl and soak the fabric for around 15 minutes. A little more gentle rubbing with your fingers should remove the stain for you.
Hairspray! Yes, it really works! If you have an alcohol based hairspray you can spray it directly on the stain. Dab out the stain with a clean white cloth - repeat the process if you need to.